Giving birth is an important rite of passage in your journey into (or deeper into) Motherhood; you deserve to feel seen, understood and nurtured during your pregnancy and as you prepare to birth your baby. My role as a doula is to help you access your own strength and powers, so that you are able to birth on YOUR terms and in your own way.
As an experienced Doula I have a holistic & woman centred approach to pregnancy and birth - my primary objective is to help you to access your innate power and authority during this transformative time.
Being a Doula and Hypnobirthing specialist is my soul's calling - and I feel so grateful & humbled to been serving women & their families across the North East & Northumberland for the past 7 years.
I cover areas from Newcastle, up through North Tyneside, Whitley Bay, Blyth, Northumberland and up into the Scottish Borders and beyond.

What is a Doula?
A doula is a little bit like the modern day version of the 'wise woman', who would have attended births before the medicalisation of birth; she is not there to perform medical checks or examinations, to 'assess' you or your labour in any way. What I am there for is to support you emotionally, spiritually, energetically and physically in the lead up to, during and after your birth.
As a doula I provide this nurturing support not only to the birthing woman, but her partner too; we have somewhat lost the 'village' which our ancestors would have had around them to birth. In days gone by you would have had your Mother, Grandmother, Aunts, Cousins, beloved friends holding and supporting you as you approached and experienced this incredible but intense journey.
A doula in no way 'replaces' the role of the partner, but instead creates space for them to be with you in a way which works beautifully for both of you, working together as a birth team who serve and answer to YOU as the person at the centre of birth. Doulas work to support and encourage partners to be fully involved in birth, not take their position in any way.
Meet your Doula...
Hi! I'm Jessica Ord, home birth Doula, award winning birth educator, pregnancy mindset author & hypnobirthing specialist...

I pride myself in providing the very best in holistic pregnancy and birth care and support to women across the North East of England who are planning home births or free births.
I think it would be fair to describe me as a bit of a 'birth geek' these days - although in truth birth work is my souls calling, and something which it feels like I have been doing for many lifetimes.
I've had the honour of learning from some of the worlds leading wise women in the birth world, and have found myself following my passion for helping to facilitate and encourage birth to flow with ease using lost ancestral methods and knowledge.
My additional skills & training include:
Hypnobirthing (of course!)
Biomechanics for birth
Pregnancy & labour massage
Rebozo for birth
Homeopathy for pregnancy & childbirth
Aromatherapy for birth
3 Step Rewind - Birth trauma resolution
Clinical Hypnotherapy & CBT (from my previous work!)
I also have additional training and (more importantly!) extensive experience in supporting women having/ with: Home birth, Free birth, VBAC birth, Strep B, High BMI, Low PAPP A, Gestational Diabetes, IVF conception, 'big babies', 'Late babies' and so much more!
Over the past 7 years, supporting women in the childbearing year, I have won several major awards, including 'Best Antenatal course - England', 'Hypnobirthing Specialist of the Year' and 'Best in pregnancy support services'.
Personally, have also had two incredibly positive and empowering natural births of my own; one a 'high risk' hospital birth with our son Monty & a beautiful free birth with our 3 year old daughter Primrose.
In my 'spare time' I'm also the head of the North East Home Birth Network, which boasts a diverse community of 600 members. We meet every first Friday of the month at Baltic, Gateshead - join the Facebook group to find out more!
When I'm not supporting families across the North East, or chasing my two delightfully feral children around our family farm in Northumberland, you can generally find me baking and cooking at the AGA, reading a good book (well, when I say good think Bridgerton or a trashy romance).
I'm currently working on my upcoming book 'Ancient Wisdom/ Modern Birth' - a look back through at the history of birth, exploring lost knowledge, traditions, remedies and recipes and musing on how we can bring those into the modern landscape of birth.
I'm a registered & insured Doula with Doula UK, the country's leading accreditation body for professional Doulas.

Option 1: Birth Doula - £1,450 per couple
Free Initial consultation - a friendly informal chat where you can get to know me, ask any questions & you can suss out if I might be the right doula for you! Either over Facetime or we can meet for a brew!
Support over whatsapp & video call whenever you need, as soon as you officially book in.
A lovely 'welcome' box full of goodies, useful birth tools (including a birth acupressure comb & authentic mexican rebozo) and hand made pregnancy safe aromatherapy products.
2 x 3 hour birth preparation antenatal sessions, either in your home or at my relaxing antenatal studio in Northumberland. Bespoke to your needs, and to ensure you feel confident & ready to birth your baby.
(One of these sessions can be a '3 step rewind' - a specialist birth trauma resolution process, which can help to shift heavy or unwanted emotions surrounding previous birth or pregnancy experiences.)
Complimentary access to my award winning Online Hypnobirthing course, 10 hypnobirthing MP3s
24/7 on call from 10 days before your due date, until you have had your baby - you'll have the re-assurance of knowing you both have someone by your side that you've built a relationship with. My calming presence will be with you from when you need me in labour, during birth and until you are ready for me to leave you settled, getting to know your new baby!
1 x 1.5 hour postnatal visit - for you to de-brief your birth experience, make you a warming, ceremonial cacao & help in any way I can.

Option 2: Enhanced Birth Doula Care - £1,750
(Highly recommended for first time parents, or those who have had difficult previous birth experiences)
All of the above...! PLUS:
Rather than 2 antenatal sessions, you'll have a private 2 day (10 hours) comprehensive Hypnobirthing & birth prep course for yourself and your partner, to explore and understand how birth works, and how we can help ourselves during it! Find out more about my multi award winning courses HERE. (Value £550)
2 additional antenatal sessions (2 hours each) to explore your birth wishes in further detail, practice your biomechanics & hypnobirthing & whatever else you need.
On average we will have spent at least 14 hours together before you've even gone into labour, ensuring I am nowhere near a stranger for you!
Complimentary use of my birth pool - includes: La Bassine Regular pool, new liner, hose & accessories (All you need for a water birth) (Value £195)
Free use of my birth specific TENS machine (Includes new electro pads)
Healing home made, traditional postpartum meals cooked and ready for your freezer ahead of birth
Postnatal support over whatsapp for the first 40 days after birth
Your care with me (for either package) is bookable with a non refundable deposit of £450, followed by equal monthly payments (final payment by week 36) - or you may choose to pay the full balance on booking, if that's simpler for you!
Feel like I might be your doula...? Let's have a chat - do reach out over email or whatsapp (or fill the form in on the button below)
Rachel's Story...
"When I decided I wanted a home birth, I wanted to ensure all the people in my space fully understood what I wanted from this birth experience. Not all the midwives I had spoken to during my appointments were experienced in home birth and I felt this would impact my environment and my comfort in birth.
With Jess I felt she could support me in protecting my space no matter which midwifes turned up on the day. Jess was knowledgeable about all aspects of birth. She was always able to signpost us to evidence based information & her experiences of home births were incredibly helpful when making my own decisions about my birth.
She checked in with me regularly and always said the right things at the right time as my pregnancy progressed, particularly when I was over due, she supported me to make the best decisions for me to ensure I could still get the birth I wanted.
Jess was exactly what I needed during labour. Her presence was so calming and supportive; she was always just where I needed her to be. When I felt labour pains in my legs, she was there to massage them without me saying anything. When I needed words of encouragement, she was there to give them to me.
She worked seamlessly with the midwives & my husband to collectively be the perfect team to support me. And this all created the perfect environment for my daughter’s birth."

What does Doula care with me look like?
Before you decide whether I'm the right doula for you, we always have a good chat through your hopes for birth, how you're finding pregnancy and how you're feeling about finding your own path and voice during this important time - and I can chat through the ways in which I support women in far more detail.
We can either do this from my relaxing antenatal studio in Northumberland, or we could meet somewhere for coffee, or of course over a video chat.
Couples whom I Doula for are invariably ready to step into their power, to make their OWN decisions about what feels right for them & are not prepared to be shuttled down the conveyor belt of 'routine' antenatal care... but are looking for support and nurturing along the way.
I am primarily a home birth doula; my continued and extensive training and experience in physiological birth and supporting women at home means that it's in these births where my skills, knowledge and passion are best utilised by the couples I support.
If, however, you feel we'd be a great fit but you're NOT planning a home birth - do get in touch & we can see if my support during your pregnancy and birth would be a good option for you.
I have a great deal of experience in supporting women who are being supported by NHS midwives, as well as couples choosing an independent midwife or free birth.
When supporting you alongside midwives it is very much a part of my role to flow with ease with your medical care team; my 'loyalty' and service is always with YOU, however I know how vitally important it is that if you are to be cared for fully and holistically, that your midwives and your doula flow alongside each other too.
My role is to support you in accessing the medical care you want, and to ensure you feel able to use your voice for anything which isn't right for you.
I'm not a 'birthy bouncer', guarding the door - I'm not here to 'save' you - from birth, the midwives you have invited to your birth, or from stepping into your own power. I'm here to help you access your own inner compass, so that you can discover a path on which you don't need saving - one which feels in alignment for YOU.
I am here to hold space for you whilst you lean into your own wisdom and strength, and to ensure that your pregnancy and birth is honoured as the life changing rite of passage that it is.

Abbie's story...
"Jess is a very friendly , warm hearted person who clearly wished the best for my journey into becoming a mummy of two and for baby to have a peaceful entry into the world. She provided us with so much knowledge about any topic I needed and was a wealth of information !
I think one of the nicest things about Jess is that she does not judge or question your decisions (other than to make sure it is truly what you want, and not a pressurised decision) she just supports , holds space and provides information so you can make the right decisions for you.
She had a wealth of knowledge on breech babies and I felt like I could talk to her about all options (c-section, breech birth, ECV) without judgement. "
It's important to me that by the time that first contraction washes over you, that we are nowhere near strangers; on average we'll have spent between 6 and 14 hours together (depending on which care package you choose), ensuring that when the day comes, I know you (and your partner) really well - allowing me to work intuitively to flow beside you & tend to your needs during the most precious, yet vulnerable time in your lives.
Something really beautiful which most women I am caring for seem to love is the final antenatal session being a 'birth opening session'... a really deeply nurturing, sacred and relaxing space for you to acknowledge the journey you have been on, and welcome this next stage - birth.
Think tarot cards (if you're into that kind of thing!), a relaxing guided womb meditation to connect in with babe, hot ceremonial cacao, journalling/ ancestral birth art...! Honestly - I'm not that 'woo' (!) but it is such a beautiful session for just before your 'due time'. And don't worry... if this sounds awful to you, then we'll spend this session doing something that feels aligned for you to feel ready for that next step.
After your birth I'll be bringing delicious, nutritious home made meals, be here for you emotionally to debrief your birth, help with transitioning to life with a newborn, do some light housework for you, cook and generally 'Mother the Mother'.

On the day...
I'll be 'on call' to be with you during your birth anytime from 10 days before your 'due date'. After that I am here, calmly, patiently and lovingly waiting for your call. So far as I'm concerned you & your baby/ pregnancy don't have a 'sell by date'.
During your final weeks of pregnancy we will inevitably be in closer contact as I support you emotionally & spiritually - as well as helping to signpost and 'interpret' and research or evidence you need for any decisions that come your way.
When your time comes to birth your baby I will be there, for whatever you need (with the exception, of course, of providing any form of medical care.)
I will be there to create a beautiful, nurturing environment for you - both practically - setting up & filling your birth pool, lighting candles, ensuring that your space feels right for you, and emotionally.
Physical support - I am trained in Rebozo support for birth , biomechanics for birth, massage for birth & aromatherapy for childbirth- wonderful tools which we have at our disposal *should* you wish/ need in the moment. I'll be here to hand hold, create a beautiful 'environment' for you, make cups of tea, feed you snacks, massage (or teach your partner the techniques ahead of time!) and whatever else you may need. Sometimes, though, when birth is unfolding naturally and you are able to simply be left alone and go inwards... you may require very little from my physically.
Emotional Support - I'm here for you. Body, mind and spirit. Think of me as a safe space in which you can release anything that needs to come out. Cry. laugh, confide - knowing that I am truly hearing you and holding you in love. I'll be there to remind you of your power, your sacredness and your authority as the birthing woman. I'll also be there to help your birth partner remain aware of their power and presence, and to support them through any advocacy communication.
Hypnobirthing support - I can help remind you of your techniques, guide you through 'tailored to the moment' hypnobirthing visualisations and techniques.
I'll stay with you... no matter what! If your circumstances change during pregnancy & you decide that birthing in a hospital or midwifery unit is best for you, I am of course here to support you. Likewise should you choose to transfer during labour I will follow you to hospital & wherever humanly possible, remain with you throughout your birth journey.
Emma's story...
"Jess was an absolutely crucial role in our pregnancy and birth.
Our home birth was 3 days long, in the end, and it was an emotional and physical marathon for me. And for her, too…a lot of hip pressing was involved!
But with Jess’ steadfast support and confidence, I never feared the outcome...even when the midwife had gone home for a break. Thank god Jess was there for our accidental free birth. I learned to trust in my decisions, in my body and was able to have the birth I’d always wanted.
Whenever I think back to the birth, I can see Jess there...gently encouraging and supporting us throughout, like some kind of birth angel!"